The Hive
Our team were invited by Prof Stephen Heppell and Gareth Long (working with Balfour Beatty) to develop initial ideas for a community Enterprise and Learning Space centred around a vacant retail anchor-store unit.
Our work on this project was (as it often is) so much more than just design – we were involved in the strategic vision behind this concept.
We developed proposals for ‘The Hive’; intended as a ‘franchise’ for roll-out to urban and regional centres, The Hive is a 7-days a week destination for learners from 3 to 103, whether learning basic skills, grabbing a coffee, getting access to IT, or setting up in business within the Hive’s incubator spaces.
Building upon initial thoughts from Gareth and Stephen we took them forward to develop an illustrated business strategy and exemplar scheme.
As an idea ahead of its time, this franchise and concept is currently under discussion at policy level with this particular council and has grabbed the attention of developers, media and local authorities throughout the country.